Nothing Really Happens at the Gym.
Despite what most people think, the underlying purpose of working out is to increase problem-solving skills. With each exercise, you will get to the point where you need to make a decision that will either help you move forward or prevent you from doing so.
Getting in shape, building muscle, or even burning calories is a consequence of moving your body. But you don’t actually build muscle. Your body does.
You also don’t burn fat. Your body does. And most of that doesn’t even happen during your training session. It happens before or after. All you do during training is burn calories.
Exercising tears muscle fiber and burn calories, but you don’t even need to be present mentally. And you reap the benefit of the consequences outside the gym.
Great training can turn followers into leaders and help individuals learn about themselves — because it is never about the exercise. It is always about the person performing the exercise.
You need a trainer to get the most out of your routine. A trainer can point out what you don’t see while performing and connecting with your body and resources.
A training session aims to create an environment where the athlete
or client rapidly acquires effective behavior. A trainer creates opportunities that expose a particular weakness and enhance mental strength. This teaches people how to overcome bad habits and make better decisions, without constant dependence on the trainer.
As Comenius puts it, “The more the teacher teaches, the less the student learns.”
Furthermore, a trainer’s job is not to motivate you. Trainers layout customized regimens based on individual needs. Your coach should provide correct information and emulate a particular setting designed to expose the client’s blind spots. The goal should always be to help you learn more about yourself.
The person who creates the problem usually doesn’t see it. Therefore, the role of a trainer, besides teaching and checking for correct form, is to observe your mental and emotional reactions and provide feedback and tools designed to change a specific behavior.
Since you are performing, the coach’s job is to increase your ability to make fast, effective decisions under stress. We need to learn how our choices affect us and our performance. Exercising is the right tool for that.
This is simple cause and effect. Typically, it takes time to feel the consequences of decisions we make in other aspects of our life. However, during a training session, we can quickly learn how our choices hold us back. And if we’re not happy with how we feel at the end of each exercise, we learn how to make different decisions.
People join a gym because they “feel” out of shape, weak, fat, or inadequate. We start exercising because we don’t feel “good enough.”
We can get stronger, faster, leaner, but if we don’t change how we think and feel about ourselves, regardless of how clothes fit or how much we lift, we won’t know how to use our newly acquired skills and take advantage of our increased resources.
Coaches must help people learn how to FEEL strong enough, fast enough, and good enough. We must teach people how to feel better about themselves. The fat will melt. With proper nutrition and a consistent training regimen, the body will change. However, long-lasting results and a healthy lifestyle depend upon how we think and feel.
MAKE that first step towards FEELING BETTER.
TAKE advantage of my FALL PROMOTION.
Email me at, call 818–385–1121, or simply reply to this email to book your FREE 30-minute evaluation. I take appointments on Zoom, Skype, or in-person at our Sherman Oaks location.
I look forward to hearing from you.